
Photometry and Radiometry

  • 2,75600 (includes shipping and handling)

All prices are in AUD and exclusive of GST

PLEASE NOTE: Training delivery is subject to participant numbers.

A confirmation email will be sent to each participant 2 weeks prior to the course date. If you are attending the face-to-face course we suggest you book your travel and accommodation arrangements after receiving this course confirmation email. Training materials will be provided as hard-copies on the day of the course or electronically if online.

Please note, a tax invoice will automatically be emailed to you after the credit card payment goes through. If you don't receive it, check your Junk inbox. Do not tick the tax invoice button if paying by credit card. For those who require an invoice to make a payment, please choose the relevant option after checkout.

This two-day course (9 am to 5 pm) covers the broad range of equipment and techniques used to measure colour and light output, the basic operating principles involved in radiometry, working techniques, potential problems and their solutions. Please find the link to the brochure here.

Please contact with your expressions of interest.

NOTE: Participants with limited experience in estimating measurement uncertainty would benefit from first attending the Introduction to Estimating Measurement Uncertainty course.

Knowledge and skills

The course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to:

  • understand the fundamentals of radiometry and photometry
  • understand the principles of operation of a range of electrical, optical and mechanical equipment
  • identify various sources of error that affect radiometric measurements


The topics covered include:

  • terminology and basic concepts
  • spectoradiometry
  • sources
  • colorimetry
  • detectors
  • sources of error
  • optical equipment
  • primary standards
  • electrical equipment
  • photometry
  • traceability and international standards
  • UV radiometry
  • calculating measurement uncertainty
  • laboratory demonstrations
  • sources of error and calculating measurement uncertainty*

*Participants with limited experience in estimating measurement uncertainty would benefit from attending the one-day Introduction to Estimating Measurement Uncertainty course prior this training event.

Past Attendees have said...

“Through this course we have gained a greater understanding of radiometry and photometry so we can make more accurate measurement decisions in our lab”

"I am now able to utilize equipment that is not being used to its full potential, which to reduce uncertainty."

Further information

For more information contact +61 2 8467 3796 or

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